
Работа, представленная на фестиваль

Образование американской нации (на английском языке)

Раздел: История, археология

Учебный год: 2005 / 2006

Автор: Терёхина Анна

Руководитель: Щербакова Ксения Александровна

Материалы работы: 555156.zip * (146 кБ)

Описание работы:

The given work is devoted to the research of the history of the formation of an American Nation.

The topicality of the research is conditioned by an increasing interest in the culture of an American people and, consequently, in the history of this nation, since only the latter can make clear the reason for the astonishing variety of cultures which characterize American society today. Besides, when studying American English it’s necessary to know American history. It makes it possible to study the English language more deeply and in detail.

Порядок знакомства:

Открыть файл "The History of the Making of an American Nation.doc"

Контактная информация:

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